Pro Life Campaign marks anniversary of abortion law with nationwide billboard campaign

The Government’s radical abortion regime was slammed by prolife groups on the anniversary of the referendum that deleted the right to life of the unborn.

Spokesperson for the Pro Life Campaign Maeve O’Hanlon said the true nature of what the Government introduced has become starkly and unavoidably clear in the past 12 months.

“Instead of ‘Safe, Legal and Rare’ we now know that the estimated numbers of abortions will almost treble. What we have been hearing from people over the course of the last year is a deep sense of anger and regret. They feel that they have had their compassion used against them. It is time for the government to realise that the claims upon which they built their campaign for abortion have been exposed as the litany of deception that they were,” she said.

Far from being discouraged, she said the pro-life movement had witnessed an incredible resurgence among those who are committed to the advancement of genuine care for both mothers and babies.

“Today we have launched a nationwide billboard campaign to rally practical and meaningful support for mothers and babies and to encourage Government to provide positive alternatives to women in unplanned pregnancy and their families.”

She added: “We remain committed to providing a better alternative than abortion for Ireland’s women and unborn children”.