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Pro-life campaigners fight abortion proposal for NI schools

A pro-life advocacy group is calling on MPs to reject regulations [1] brought forward by the UK Government that would force schools in Northern Ireland to teach students aged 11 to 16 years old about abortion and how to access it.

The regulations are due to be voted on in the House of Commons in the coming days.

The lack of a public consultation has been heavily criticised by a House of Lords Committee.

They also criticised the lack of procedures allowing parents to withdraw their children from such instruction.

“The Committee believes that this will be of considerable concern to parents in Northern Ireland”.

A number of submissions to the Lords’ Committee also raised concerns that teachers who are morally opposed to abortion would not have the option of opting out of teaching such material to students.

Right To Life UK is encouraging members of the public to contact their MP and ask them to vote against the regulations.