Pro-life presence recorded at hospitals and clinics providing abortion in 10 counties

Pro-life prayer vigils and protests have taken place across at least 10 counties, according to research currently being carried out by Maynooth University in collaboration with the activist ‘Together for Safety Campaign‘.

They found that pro-life campaigners have gathered outside GP surgeries and clinics in Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Louth, Roscommon, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wicklow.

There have also been a pro-life presence outside maternity hospitals in Galway, Cork, Drogheda, and Dublin since January 2019 when the abortion regime was rolled out.

Protests were reported outside Limerick Hospital on 17 days in February and March, when the country was under level 5 lockdown.

Camilla Fitzsimons of NUI Maynooth said she has received reports of demonstrators praying loudly, holding up graphic placards, and distributing leaflets outside healthcare facilities.

She added that a number of respondents raised concerns about the impact so called “safe access zones” could have on the right to protest.