The Quebec College of Physicians in Canada has started to lobby for euthanasia for new-borns.
In a press release last December the College argued that MAiD should be available for children aged 0-1 and 14-17. “Suffering does not take age into account and for minors it can be as intolerable as for adults,” it said. With respect to euthanasia for newborns, the College offered as a model the Groningen Protocol which Dutch doctors use to decide whether to euthanise infants.
Alex Schadenberg, of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, suggested that the recommendations of the College make no sense. “Why would you then have to give the child a lethal dose? If the child is not going to survive, the child can be kept comfortable and die naturally. There’s no reason for us to kill the child. There’s no reason for us to do this at all,” he told the National Post.