All schools must teach [1] a proposed Leaving Certificate sex education curriculum that will include gender ideology [2], namely the belief that your biological sex and your ‘gender’ are not the same thing, and “possible responses” when facing an unplanned pregnancy, although parents will have the right to pull children from classes.
It is not clear whether schools will be allowed to adapt the proposed curriculum to their ethos, although this is permitted by the Education Act.
The radical changes to Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and relationships and sexuality education (RSE) [3] are set out in proposals from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). It has just published a draft SPHE specification for consultation.
The specification states that “LGBTQ+ identities, relationships and families are fully integrated and reflected in teaching and learning, as opposed to being addressed within stand-alone lessons”.
The NCCA also addresses the patchy nature of teaching in SPHE and RSE for Leaving Cert students. The new curriculum will be mandatory, according to newspaper reports, with an average of almost one hour per week – a total of 60 hours – across senior cycle.
Nonetheless parents will have a right to request that their child opt out of any learning that contravenes their conscience. Once a student turns 18 they have a right to decide for themselves.