A record number of pregnancies were terminated in Irish hospitals last year. One was an abortion on the grounds of risk of suicide. The numbers are revealed every year in an annual report to the Minister for Health since the Abortion Act of 2013 which legislated for the X case, but the termination figures include both pregnancies that are induced early because of a threat to the life of the mother – which was permitted under the 8th amendment – and also killing of the unborn child prior to birth.
The latest report showed 32 pregnancies were terminated in 2018. Thirteen involved an emergency where the mother’s life was at immediate risk. Another 18 terminations arose due to a risk to the mother’s life as a result of a physical illness. The total more than doubled the 15 terminations in 2017. There were 26 of these procedures carried out in both 2016 and 2015.
In the case of one of the women the termination was initially turned down and it went to review. The termination was granted by the review committee.