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Referendum in March to delete protection for mothers in the home

The Government plans to hold a referendum to delete the protection afforded mothers in the home [1] from being forced out to work, with the date of March 8th – International Women’s Day – likely to be the polling day, reports the Irish Times.

The proposal will include a recognition of family carers and an aspiration that the State should “strive to support the provision of care” in the home, but will not at this point alter the recognition given to the family “based on marriage”.

The proposal was discussed at a Cabinet Committee meeting yesterday and is likely to be brought to next week’s Government meeting for approval.

It is understood that no change is likely to be proposed to the articles which deal with the rights of the family.

However, the new wording will include recognition by the State that the “provision of care by family members to each other by reason of the bonds that exist among them” gives a support to society “without which the common good cannot be achieved”.

The State, it is expected to say, “shall strive to support such provision”.