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Return to normality as Colorado bishops to restore Sunday Mass obligation on Pentecost

The Sunday Mass obligation will be restored [1] for Catholics in the US state of Colorado next month, unless sickness or another grave reason prevents them from being able to attend Mass.

Numerous dioceses have gradually begun reinstating the Sunday Mass obligation in recent months.

A joint statement from the bishops of Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo on April 6 announced that the Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation will be restored on Pentecost, May 23.

“Prudent health precautions will still be taken by every parish, but as the worst of the pandemic seems to be behind us, and access to COVID-19 vaccines for those who desire to receive it has increased, the time has come that the general dispensation is no longer necessary,” the Colorado bishops said in their statement.

The bishops urged all Catholics without significant health risks or other serious obstacles to attend Mass every Sunday and to use the Easter season to reflect on the importance of Mass and the Church’s teaching surrounding it.

“The Sunday and Holy Day obligation is not something God asks of us out of his own necessity or need to be worshipped, but rather a gift to the faithful for our own spiritual nourishment, happiness, and eternal salvation.”