Public interest directors could be appointed to religious-owned hospitals if the Government accepts the recommendations of a review group. According to a report in the Times, Ireland edition, the review group shied away from recommending the State take over the health services of voluntary hospitals [1], but they did advise that changes be made to how they are funded and governed.
The group has proposed state representation on the boards of all voluntary organisations that get more than €20m a year from the exchequer, when this amounts to more than half their income.
If the proposal is adopted, it will mean public interest directors being appointed by the Health Minister to large non-HSE hospitals such as St Vincent’s Healthcare Group, the Mater hospital group, and the Mercy University Hospital in Cork.
Simon Harris, the Health Minister, is expected to seek approval for the appointments when he brings the report to cabinet in a fortnight.
The group says the state should allocate money for specific services rather than providing block grants, and recommends all faith-based voluntary organisations publicly state their services are available to everyone.