A mandated Review of the operation of the 2018 Abortion Act has been commenced today by the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly. Pro-abortion groups are pressing to make the law even more liberal.
Speaking of the launch of the public consultation part of the Review, Minister Donnelly said they are now specifically seeking people’s views on the operation of the legislation.
“Separate in-depth qualitative research will consider the operation of the Act specifically from the service user and from the service provider perspectives, but service users and service providers are also most welcome to contribute their views through this public consultation process.”
Minister Donnelly added that when the Chair’s work is completed in 2022, “a final report will be submitted to me with any necessary recommendations. I look forward to hearing people’s views and to the outcome of this review process.”
The Pro-Life Campaign rejected the approach of the Minister saying his statement makes clear that the process is a ‘closed shop’ to different perspectives, and unless a truly independent chair is appointed, the Minister cannot expect there to be any faith in the process.