The risks posed by legislating for ‘assisted dying’ are “enormous” [1], according to a consultant in palliative care.
Commenting on the Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying’s recommendation to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia in Ireland, Dr Miriam Colleran, said that she was “surprised” that the committee had dramatically deviated from the analysis of other European counterparts. “We’re surprised that the majority of committee members have taken such a different opinion to the Danish Ethics Committee which recently published a report compiled by 16 of 17 members that safeguards could not be introduced to make assisted dying, euthanasia and/or assisted suicide safe.”
She added: “The evidence shows that people seek assisted dying in particular because of feelings of burden,” she said.
“A compassionate society gives supports and is also aware of risks. The risk with assisted dying is the inappropriate death of a person. That’s an enormous risk. We are concerned about people feeling pressurised overtly, subtly or from within themselves to avail of assisted dying, euthanasia or assisted suicide”.