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San Marino faces referendum on abortion

A pro-family group has appealed to the people of San Marino to uphold the country’s long-standing protections for unborn life [1].

This Sunday, a referendum takes place in the tiny State inside Italy on whether to make abortion freely available in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and up to birth if the unborn child has an anomaly that pose a serious risk to the physical or psychological health of the woman, or if there is a danger to the mother’s life.

The president of the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations, Vincenzo Bassi, praised the merits of the current law and said there is a need for more support for motherhood.

“We have a responsibility to recognize the richness of the current San Marino law and to defend it, starting with policies that address the loneliness of families and many women who find themselves in difficulty. Motherhood, despite its many and undeniable complexities, will always remain a joyful responsibility. We must support the awareness of this responsibility and certainly not deny it ”.