- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

Scotland’s abortion rate highest in decade

More older women are having abortions in Scotland, with the overall number rising to a ten-year high [1]. Figures show 13,286 [2] women aged 15 to 44 had abortions last year – a rate of 12.9 per 1,000 –  up from a figure of 12,212 in 2017. This compares with Ireland’s rate of 4.9 per 1000 prior to the repeal of the Eighth amendment. This counts women who travelled to England for abortions.

The Scottish figures also showed rates for women in the most deprived areas remain about twice as high as those from the least deprived areas at 17.8 per 1,000 women aged 15-44 compared to 8.9.

For the first time the figures include the number of women taking a drug to induce the second part of a two-stage medical abortion process at home, rather than in a medical clinic. Almost a third (30 per cent) of abortions were performed in this manner.

Michael Robinson, from the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children Scotland said the statistics were “deeply alarming”. [3]

“Not only are we seeing a ten-year high, 13,286 abortions annually or the equivalent of 255 a week, we are once again seeing some of the most vulnerable women in society forced by circumstance to end the life of their unborn child,” he said. “Women deserve better than abortion and the right to life must be defended for every person.”