Scottish Government refuse to back abortion exclusion zones

A national ban on protests outside abortion clinics is not an option, according to the public health minister of the Scottish Government.

The SNP’s Maree Todd said in a Holyrood debate that the rights of protesters who gathered outside clinics also had to be considered, even though ‘some’ women feel intimidated.

“Women should have access to healthcare free from stigma. However, any action taken must be proportionate and balance the rights of the women accessing healthcare services and those protesting peacefully and expressing their views,” she said.

“The Scottish Government is determined to find a way forward but doesn’t consider blanket buffer zones the solution. The precedent here in the UK is that its best dealt with at a local level. Our view is that bye laws are the fastest way to address the problem. The principle of protected spaces is one this Government supports.”

Meanwhile, a pro-choice group tweeted to say that the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities released legal advice on Nov 12th confirming that local councils cannot use byelaws to implement buffer zones.