- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

Scottish Govt delays ban on ‘conversion therapy’ amid warnings it could criminalise parents

The Scottish government has postponed a ban on so-called ‘conversion therapy’ [1] amid fears it could criminalise parents who question their child’s wish to identify as a different gender to their biological sex.

Holyrood had promised to publish legislation by the end of 2023, but last week’s Programme for Government included no such legislation.

It has been replaced by a consultation which will not report until next year.

Long-promised plans regarding ‘conversion therapy’ in England are also mired in delay.

But the postponement in Scotland of the ban, which covers both gay and trans conversion therapy, is more surprising as the SNP has been much more forward in its support for the trans rights agenda.

The delay follows the row over Scotland’s attempt to bring in a law to make it much easier for people to legally change their self-identified gender.