Senior lawyers call for ban on aborting children with Down Syndrome

A group of former international, human rights, judges are asking the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), to recognise that eugenic abortion of children with Down Syndrome can and should be prohibited out of respect for the rights of disabled people.

The judges of the European Court of Human Rights, of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and UN experts published an article in Valeurs Actuelles on World Down Syndrome Day two days ago.

According to the Advocacy group, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), this step is unprecedented in the history of the European Court.

“It is the first time that former judges have acted in this way before the Court and that the question of eugenic abortion has been raised in such a direct manner. It must be said that the issue of eugenics is at the heart of the abortion debate in the United States, the United Nations and now in Europe”.

In the United States, twelve states have banned medical personnel from performing abortions when they are requested in a discriminatory manner because of a diagnosis of Down Syndrome. Some states also prohibit abortion on the basis of the child’s sex or “race”.