- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

Shock as over 10,000 abortions in Ireland last year, HSE figures suggest

GPs made claims for a total of 9,218 abortions in the first eleven months of last year [1], according to figures released by the HSE to Carol Nolan TD.

As this figure does not include abortions carried out in a hospital setting, or the figures for the month of December, the total for the whole year will likely be in excess of 10,000.

Commenting on the “shocking” figures, Pro Life Campaign spokesperson Eilís Mulroy said there is an “alarming trend where the annual abortion rate has risen dramatically since 2019, but most especially in the last two years”.

“The government cannot continue to bury its head in the sand and refuse to listen to the voices of those who have well grounded and practical suggestions on how to reduce the soaring abortion rate.”

Deputy Carol Nolan said Ireland is now facing an “epidemic of loss,” adding that there is an “under-promotion” of alternatives.

“Thousands of women are being betrayed by the over promotion of abortion as the only possible response to pregnancy in certain circumstances and the cruel under promotion of life affirming alternatives”.