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Slovak parliament rejects EU ‘overreach’ on abortion

The Slovak Parliament has rejected a move by the EU to influence local law on abortion [1] and related sexual and reproductive matters.

A resolution rejecting the so-called Matic Report was initiated by MP Anna Zaborska of the Christian Union party and was adopted by 74 out of 117 votes.

It stated that “issues concerning the healthcare policy and education fall within the competence of the national states – Members of the European Union. Therefore, it views the draft proposal of the European Parliament Report on the Situation of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the EU in the Frame of Women’s Health as violating the principle of subsidiarity and overreaching the European Parliament’s competence”.

Following this, MEP, Miriam Lexmann, has initiated an open letter to the EU Parliament President David Sassoli that can be signed by national MPs from different EU Member States echoing the text of the Slovak resolution.