Parents of children diagnosed with terminal conditions feel like the first thing that’s being offered to them is abortion, according to a spokesperson for Every Life Counts, which supports parents whose children have an ultimately fatal condition.
Vicky Wall of Every Life Counts said this can deprive parents of the opportunity to know and love their child, even for a short time after birth.
Regarding the recently published review of Ireland’s abortion law, she referred to babies who were aborted after being incorrectly diagnosed with a serious disability.
“It was horrifying to see that again there was no mention of the baby that was misdiagnosed, and before the review came out, we heard that there were two other people, plus baby Christopher’s parents, which makes three now in total, that had a case against the HSE for abortion after misdiagnosis, which is absolutely horrific,” Ms Wall said.
“There was no mention of that, no mention of safeguards.”
Criticising the review as “incredibly one-sided,” Ms Wall said that to her, the abortion review was “absolutely about increasing abortion numbers – how can we get more abortion?”