Surrogacy bill being rushed through Seanad

The opening Seanad debate on the Government’s proposed surrogacy bill saw the Health Minister forced to cut a forty minute presentation down to a mere ten minutes so as to comply with time restrictions.

The Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2022 was introduced to the Seanad last Thursday with Fine Gael’s Maria Byrne as the Chair.

Welcoming the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, she told him he had “ten minutes” to present the landmark legislation which runs to 200 pages.

The startled minister replied saying: “I did not realise I had only ten minutes. I was handed a 40-minute speech, which I got down to about 15 minutes. The Acting Chairperson can cut me off if necessary or, with the indulgence of the Seanad, perhaps I could have more time”.

Senator Michael McDowell responded that party spokespersons were given 12 minutes and so the Minister should be given “at least the same speaking time”.

The Chair replied: “The debate is limited to two hours. It is up to the Minister.”