Religious leaders from a number of faiths discussed the Covid-19 emergency with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar [1] on a conference call on Wednesday.
Mr Varadkar sought the views of religious leaders on how communities and the most vulnerable can be cared for.
They were also due to discuss the changes brought in to reflect current public health guidelines for funerals and burials, and the impact of this on families at this difficult time.
It is understood that Mr Varadkar thanked those in religious life for their contribution throughout the emergency so far, especially as some are prevented from doing all they would like because of age or health.
After the meeting the Taoiseach tweeted: “At times of trial, many of us turn to faith for meaning and for comfort [2]. Was a real privilege to talk to religious and spiritual leaders today and thank them their contribution during this Emergency”.
The discussion was part of the Structured Dialogue initiated by the Taoiseach following the visit by Pope Francis in 2018.
It is designed to foster a new covenant for the 21st century between State and faith communities, recognising their place in society and the valuable contribution they make to communities.