The European Commission has confirmed that it is terminating the position of Special Envoy for freedom of religion or belief [1].
Established in 2016, the position’s mandate included visits to countries with some of the most violent religious persecution in the world.
The Special Envoy played a decisive role in helping Asia Bibi safely leave Pakistan after she was acquitted of blasphemy charges.
Adina Portaru of the legal advocacy firm, ADF International, said they were very surprised by the move: “The role of the Special Envoy for the promotion of religion or belief outside the EU has been vital in standing up for those who are unable to freely practice their religion or beliefs, including those of no religion and those seeking to change their religion. Given the positive impact of the position – a model now replicated in a number of countries around the world – it is difficult to understand why the position has been discontinued.
“All over the world people are ostracized, imprisoned, tortured, and killed for their faith. At a time of rising restrictions on freedom of religion, we remain hopeful that the EU will prioritize this fundamental right through other means,” said added.