The Holy See slams UN attack on religious freedom

The Holy See has attacked the latest UN report on religious freedom. Decrying particularly the document’s many references to gender ideology, the Holy See called it a kind of “ideological colonisation” by some States and the UN. The Holy See also said the Report is an “attack to religious freedom”, including the right of doctors to conscientiously object to abortion.

“Particularly unacceptable and offensive are the numerous references that recommend that freedom of religion or belief and the conscientious objection must be surrendered for the promotion of other so-called ‘human rights’, which certainly do not enjoy consensus;” the Holy See statement remarked.

The Report of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief was discussed this week at the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council.

The Report advocates a concept of freedom “from” and within” religion to protect the so-called new human rights; questions the existence of a right to conscientious objection; and also implicitly pushes doctrinal changes in religions on the basis of alleged international law requirements.