Thousands of people attended the 2019 Rally for Life in Dublin on Saturday 6th July, showing that the prolife movement is alive and well after the abortion referendum.
Niamh Uí Bhriain, a member of organising committee, said people wanted to “continue to stand for life.”
Archbishop Eamon Martin was among the participants. “I march today because I believe it remains as important as ever to affirm the sanctity of all human life. The direct and intentional taking of the life of any innocent human being is always gravely wrong – we must avoid becoming desensitised to the value of every human life.”, Arch. Martin said.
Speaking at the rally, John McGuirk warned that the next battle for the prolife movement will be opposing any attempt to legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Many doctors and healthcare professionals were at the march. “I got into medicine to help women and babies, I will not be forced to take part in abortions” said Dr Trevor Hayes, consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at St Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny. All obstetricians working in St Luke’s hospital are conscientious objectors and have written to GPs in the region to advise that abortions will not be practiced in the hospital.