- The Iona Institute - https://ionainstitute.ie -

Thousands take part in Rally for Life

Thousands of people took part in last Saturday’s Rally for Life [1] which sought to hold the government to account [2] for the spiralling abortion rate.

The event took off from Parnell Square at 1.30 pm as the diverse crowd chanted ‘pro-life’, and waved posters and flags saying ‘Life Will Win’ and ‘Stop Aborting Our Future’.

Scrapping the 3-day wait would be seen as a reneging on promises to voters in the 2018 referendum, and a summer campaign to remind voters of that promise would be ramped up, attendees at the Rally were told.

Earlier, the Life Institute said that the pro-life gathering took place in the context of what was described as a “steep and disturbing” rise in the number of abortions taking place in Ireland, and just weeks after a bill seeking to legalise abortion on request to 6 months of pregnancy unexpectedly passed second stage in the Dáil.