UK abortion ‘buffer zones’ set for October roll out, but clarity lacking on silent prayer

The UK Home Office has announced that a ban on “influencing” within 150m of an abortion facility will commence 31st October 2024.

In a press release issued 18th September, the Home Office confirmed that anyone found guilty of breaking the law will face an unlimited fine.

Human rights experts warn that the ban on “influencing” is too broad, leaving innocent people open to prosecution for engaging in consensual conversation or even silent thought:

“Good law should be clear, consistent and predictable but the buffer zones legislation set to be enacted is vague and broadly drafted. By banning “influencing” – a broad and sweeping term – over an area stretching 300m in diameter, the law is wide open to misinterpretation and abuse.

“In the places where “buffer zones” already exist under local authorities, we have already seen three individuals prosecuted over the past two years, simply for praying silently in the privacy of their own minds.

Despite recent reports that Ministers were considering naming silent prayer as an offence in buffer zone guidance, the government did not ultimately publish such guidance. But the extent of what is unlawful is unclear.