UK Police to allow priests administer Last Rites at crime scenes

Revised national guidelines for the College of Policing will allow for sacramental access at crime scenes where operationally possible following the conclusion of a working group set up in the aftermath of the murder of MP Sir David Amess.

The murder in October 2021 raised a number of questions concerning the appropriate response to granting access to priests or other ministers of religion to crime scenes in order to administer Last Rites or other sacraments to a crime victim.

The working group has developed new straightforward guidance, which has been published by the College of Policing as part of the Managing Investigations Authorised Professional Practice.

The new section, entitled ‘Requests for third party access to a scene to attend a victim’ can be found at

This Authorised Professional Practice update provides advice on balancing medical and investigative priorities and requirements, with empathy for the victim, their family and any religious needs.