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UK won’t offer asylum to Asia Bibi due to fear of reprisals

A Pakistani Christian woman’s appeal to Britain for asylum has been denied because her arrival in the country may stir civil unrest [1], HuffPost UK has been told.

Asia Bibi, a Christian farm labourer, wife and mother of five, was released from prison in Pakistan last week after being acquitted of blasphemy. She had spent eight years on death row after an argument with a group of Muslim women in June 2009.

On Saturday her lawyer, Saif Mulook, fled Pakistan, saying he feared for his life.  Bibi’s husband, Ashiq Masih, has also released a video message saying he too fears for his family’s safety.

“I am requesting the Prime Minister of the UK help us and as far as possible grant us freedom,” he said.

But campaigners working to secure Bibi’s move abroad said the UK government had not offered her asylum, citing security concerns. Wilson Chowdhry, chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said: “I’ve been led to believe that the UK government had concerns that her moving to the UK would cause security concerns and unrest among certain sections of the community and would also be a security threat to British embassies abroad which might be targeted by Islamist terrorists. Pakistani Christians have recently suffered violent assaults in the UK from muslim extremists.