The US has strengthened its prohibition on supporting abortion in foreign countries by banning indirect routes to fund abortions or to fund abortion advocacy.
As before, the U.S. State Department will refuse to work with any foreign NGO engaged in the abortion business. Now, it will also refuse to fund foreign NGOs that give money to other foreign NGOs engaged in the international abortion industry. This will prevent foreign NGOs from channeling U.S. money to organisations that perform or promote abortion.
“We will enforce a strict prohibition on back-door funding schemes and end runs around our policy,” said Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, in announcing the strengthened policy.
“This is decent, this is right, and I’m proud to serve in an administration that protects the least amongst us.”
Pompeo’s second announcement broadens enforcement of a law which says U.S. funds can not go towards abortion lobbying — either for or against abortion.
The move comes after the Government here announced a new development aid initiative in the area of “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” that would both fund “services” and lobby for policy changes in developing countries. While the details of it are still being worked out, the Irish Times reported that it was “likely” the Govt would drop a previous prohibition on funding abortion to implement the new SRHR initiative.