US Supreme Court will hear state’s appeal to preserve pro-life law

The US Supreme Court will hear an appeal against the Biden administration’s attempt to override an Idaho law and force ER doctors to perform abortions.

The Court also granted an emergency stay allowing Idaho’s life-saving law to remain in effect while SCOTUS decides the case.

In 2020, the state of Idaho enacted a law that puts the lives of women and their unborn children first, preventing physicians from ending an unborn child’s life unless doing so is critical to save the life of the mother.

In 2022, the Biden administration sued Idaho claiming it can impose a federal law to force ER doctors to perform abortions.

International human rights law firm, Alliance Defending Freedom, says the White House is engaged in an unlawful abuse of power.

“The government has no business forcing doctors to harm their patients or violate their duty to provide life-saving care to all, including unborn children,” said ADF’s Erin Hawley.