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Woman arrested for praying outside abortion clinic seeks exoneration

A Charity volunteer who was arrested for praying near an abortion clinic is seeking a clear verdict in court [1] after prosecution dropped charges, but suggested further proceedings.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, who was seen in a viral video being arrested and searched by three police officers after saying that she “might be” praying inside her head, was criminally charged with “protesting and engaging in an act that is intimidating to service users” in an exclusion zone around an abortion facility in Birmingham. This was despite her stating clearly that she was not protesting, and despite the clinic being closed, meaning no service users were in the vicinity while she prayed.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have now communicated that they have discontinued the charges against Vaughan-Spruce, yet also have made clear that the charges “may well start again” subject to further evidential review. This is a warning prosecutors can issue when they expect that further evidence will be received.

However, Vaughan-Spruce has now made known her intention to pursue a verdict in court.