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Striking the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’ (and nature) from family law

A new law has been passed in Ontario that strikes the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’ from the law and replaces them with the word ‘parent’. This places a lie right at the centre of the law because every child without fail has a mother and a father or could not exist. But this is what Ontario has wrought in the name of ‘equality’.

In truly Orwellian fashion, the law in question is called the ‘All Families are Equal Act’, or more blandly ‘Bill 28’.

Oh, and the new law also allows up to four adults to be named as a child’s parents. These could be, one presumes, the ‘birth parent’ (but not the surrogate), the sperm provider, and the two people who will raise the child. (Note how I have studiously avoided using the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’).

What the law does is completely erase the notion that nature makes you a parent and replaces it with the notion that intention makes you a parent. The State then recognises the intending parents as the legal parents. Nature limits us to two parent. This law allows up to four. (Why stop there?)

You can find the new law here [1]. Do a ‘control f’ and search for the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’. They only occur in the context of striking them from an existing law or where a person can retroactively change a current legal document like a birth cert.

The law talks about the ‘birth parent’ but even she is not called a mother. How can she be when the concept has been explicitly abolished as a legal term? It is only a detail that the ‘birth parent’ has to be a woman and can’t be anything other than a woman and even if she is ‘merely’ the child’s surrogate mother, she is still the child’s birth mother.

But in the name of equality, realities like these must be suppressed. Here in Ireland, two women can be named on a birth cert as the parents of a child even though they can’t both be the biological parents. The father’s name is erased.

In any event, here [2]  is a scathing piece about Ontario’s new law by Stella Morobito of The Federalist.

Key quote from this piece: “If we forbid the very words ‘mother’ and ‘father’ at school, at work, in daily life, we must plead guilty to hacking the child’s mind and soul. This law essentially tells children to shut up about any question about their origins. It abusively gags them and prods them to bottle up their natural curiosity about who they are and where they came from.

“Instead, with up to four generic ‘parents’ recognised by a bureaucratic state, the child is legally a product designed and manufactured by contractual agreement. No more than that. The biological mother and father are legally non-existent, and are well on the way to being erased as parents recognised by default. By erasing mothers and fathers from law, Ontario has essentially defined parents as interchangeable parts to be torn asunder from the child at the will of the state. So, obviously, this so-called ‘All Families are Equal Act’ is really about destroying all familes.”

It is certainly about destroying any notion that the natural family of biological mother, father and child has any special importance whatsoever.

Ireland itself is already at the same point even though we have not (yet) passed a law exactly like the one Ontario has just passed.