A talk by Maria Steen
Thursday, September 20, 8pm, Davenport hotel, Dublin 2
Free Admission
We are pleased to invite you to our next meeting which will be addressed by Maria Steen of The Iona Institute. Her topic will be: ‘Where now for the pro-life movement?’
Maria will look back at the recent referendum and examine why repeal of the 8th amendment was carried by a margin of two-to-one. More importantly, she will look forward. She will preview the legal and political battles ahead, including those over conscience rights. She will argue that now more than ever we must strive to keep the humanity of the unborn child before the public and continue to show women that there is always an alternative to abortion.
Maria is a barrister and architect by training and is a mother to four children.
If you would like to attend, please email info@ionainstitute.ie or phone 01 661 9204.