Decline in religion will deepen our coming demographic crisis, says new Iona paper

The ongoing decline in religious practice will deepen our coming demographic crisis because it will almost certainly mean that fewer…


The Iona BlogMore Blogs

By Dr Angelo Bottone

If we want prosperity, one important step is supporting and rebuilding the family. This is the central argument presented by the economist Philip Pilkington in his new booklet “Family Matters: Why Our Choices Determine Our Economic Prosperity”, which is published...


Is the huge additional money being put into daycare by the State providing value for money from a taxpayer point of view? To judge from a recent ESRI study, the answer is no. The effect of the particular means-tested daycare...


The decline in the share of Christians in the US population appeared to have stopped, according to a major new survey. This is notable because it seems to contradict the thesis that the decline of Christianity in Western countries is...


Social attitudes towards the family and children need to be reshaped if we want to address sharply declining birth rates and the increasing phenomenon of unplanned childlessness, a major new report from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe...


The number of abortions being carried out in Northern Ireland has increased by a massive 29pc in a single year, according to official statistics published by the Department of Health. The figure of 2,792  is three times the number of...


While the cost of housing is frequently cited as a reason for delayed family formation and having children, the evidence does not strongly support this claim, according to a new study from the Policy Exchange think tank in the UK,...


In The News

Government gave €2.3 million to global abortion giant

The Irish Government has handed over €2.3 million of taxpayers’ money, since 2022, to the world’s leading pro-abortion group, International Planned Parenthood Federation. The bombshell news was contained in a…


‘The beauty and value of tradition’; a talk by Tim Stanley

On Saturday October 5th, The Iona Institute held its annual youth conference. The theme was ‘Whatever Happened to Tradition?‘, the…
