Schools & Education

Restoring Balance and Fairness in Family Taxation

Is the average family more fairly taxed now than they were in 1974? Taxation and the Family: Restoring Balance and Fairness, the Iona Institute’s new paper, analyses tax bands, credits and benefit payments and shows definitively that the answer is no. You can read the paper here.

Proposed AHR scheme allows gamete donation from close family members

A few months ago, The Iona Institute submitted a document to the Oireachtas Committee on Health regarding the General Scheme of a Bill to regulate Artificial Human Reproduction (AHR).  It is co-written by Dr Joanna Rose, who is herself donor-conceived. Two weeks ago, The Irish Times reported our submission. The report said our submission “claims”...

Maria Steen discusses Minister Bruton’s plans to focribly amend the admissions policies of faith-based schools

Maria Steen, of the Iona Institute, talked to Sarah McInerney on Newstalk Breakfast about Minister Bruton’s plans to forcibly amend the admissions policies of some faith-based schools, namely, removing the so-called ‘baptism barrier’ to Catholic Schools. The item can be found here.

Committee on abortion wants sex ed that is ‘independent’ of school ethos, or parents

By David Mullins The Oireachtas Committee of the Eighth Amendment has published its final Report. While its recommendation to advocate ‘Repeal Simpliciter,’ or the total abolition of the Eighth Amendment is deeply disturbing, it was well flagged. The same cannot be said for some of the other less ‘controversial’ recommendations that have slipped quietly below...

David Quinn debates Government proposal re admissions policy of Catholic schools

Iona Institute director, David Quinn, was on The Pat Kenny Show last week to discuss the proposal by Education Minister, Richard Bruton, to remove the right of Catholic schools to admit Catholic children first in the event of over-enrollment. This right is being removed only from Catholic schools. The right of minority faith schools and...

Our school system must reflect the wishes of parents

Neither the Church nor the State should determine what kinds of schools we have. This is up to parents. The State must support the wishes of parents, including the wishes of parents who want faith schools and those who don’t. Read more in our paper ‘The Liberal Case for Religious Schools’.

State-run schools in Europe perform relatively poorly

Regular international surveys of student performance have become a feature of the world of education in recent years. The two best-known such surveys are TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study – run by the IEA) and PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment – run by the OECD). The former measures the performance of...

A strong Church of Ireland presence at the Forum on schools’ admissions policy

A ‘Forum on the Role of Religion in Primary School Admissions’ was held in Croke Park on Monday. A notable feature was the strong presence of Church of Ireland representatives at the meeting, there to defend the rights of their community. The event was organised by Education Minister, Richard Bruton. It brought together parties that...

David Quinn discussing funding of Church run schools

David Quinn appeared on Claire Byrne Live on RTE on March 13, 2017, to discuss Church/State separation. In this short clip he says that public funding of Church schools exists in countries where Church and State are separated.

David Quinn discusses funding of Church-run schools

Iona Institute Director, David Quinn, appeared on RTE’s Claire Byrne Live on Monday night. In this short clip, he points out that public funding of Church schools exists in countries where Church and State are firmly separated and should continue in Ireland also. He instances the examples of Australia and the Netherlands. The item can...