Schools & Education

Mind the Gap: how marriage and family differ by social class

‘Mind the Gap’, a new report from The Iona Institute, shows how a person’s chances of marrying are hugely affected by the social class they are born into. The report shows that upper professional workers are more than twice as likely as unskilled workers to be married. The huge discrepancy shows that there are formidable...

Mind the Gap: how marriage and family differ by social class

‘Mind the Gap’, a new report from The Iona Institute, shows how a person’s chances of marrying are hugely affected by the social class they are born into. The report shows that upper professional workers are more than twice as likely as unskilled workers to be married. The huge discrepancy shows that there are formidable...

Pope Francis and the future of the family: an Iona Institute/Irish Catholic conference

In January, the Iona Institute and the Irish Catholic newspaper held a conference called ‘Pope Francis and the Future of the Family’. It was a reflection on the two Synods on the Family that took place in Rome in 2014 and 2015 and which led to the Apostolic Exhortation, ‘Amoris Laetitia’ in April. The keynote...

Archbishop Martin calls on voters to question politicians on family policies

Archbishop Eamon Martin has said Catholics should ask politicians about their policies towards the family, the right to life, schools and freedom of conscience in the coming election campaign. Speaking at a conference organised by the Iona Institute and The Irish Catholic newspaper, the Primate of All Ireland called on those who wish to be “advocates...

Challenges for Ireland from the Synod on the family

Archbishop Eamon Martin will be the keynote speaker at our next conference which is being jointed hosted with The Irish Catholic.

Study finds number of US children in ‘traditional family’ setting has plummeted

The number of children living in ‘traditional family’ settings in the United States has plummeted, new research has found. Defining the traditional family as one where “the children are under 18 years old, the mother stays at home while the father works and both parents are in their first marriage”, the Pew Research Centre studied...

After the Referendum: where now for marriage and the family?

A recent Iona Institute conference discussed the marriage referendum and how it affects our view of the family and the natural rights of children and their parents.

Pope announces new Pontifical office for the Family

Pope Francis has announced the establishment of a new body dedicated to the care of the family, the laity and life issues. Addressing the assembled participants at the Synod of the Family in Rome, the Pope said: “I have decided to establish a new Dicastery with competency for Laity, Family and Life, that will replace the Pontifical Council...

Family of Roma child removed by Gardaí accept financial settlement

A Roma family whose two-year-old child was removed by gardaí in a case of “overzealous policing” have received €60,000 in damages under a settlement of a legal action they took. The child at the centre of the case was removed from the family home in Dublin in October 2013, under the Child Care Act of...

Prelates open up on family experiences at ‘vibrant’ Synod

A leading Cardinal has described the Synod on the Family as “alive and vibrant” due to prelates’ ability and willingness to speak of their own family experiences. Crediting the new discussion arrangements formulated ahead of the synod which sees delegates working in smaller groups,Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn told Vatican Radio that the result was the creation...