
Unmarried fathers submission.

The Iona Institute has made a submission to the Law Reform Commission in response to its recent consultation paper ‘Legal Aspects of Family Relationships’.


Making Babies: Regulating the AHR industry

Our latest paper is an examination of the Assisted Human Reproduction industry. It is a response to the Government-appointed commission on topic and sets out its own, child-centred, recommendations for the industry. An edited version of the paper can be found by clicking on the image to the right. A full-length version can be found...


Church attendance in Ireland increases.

A new poll conducted by RedC on behalf of The Iona Institute shows that weekly church attendance has increased from 42 percent to 46 percent in the last 18 months while the number who go at least once a month has jumped from 54 percent to 65 percent.


Only one in four want State-run schools.

A new poll conducted by RedC on behalf of The Iona Institute shows that only one in four people want all publicly-funded schools to be State-run. The rest want a choice of schools, including Church-run schools. The results are almost identical to another poll we commissioned last year.


The benefits of religious practise

Our latest paper is a look at studies attesting to the benefits of religious practise. Called ‘The psycho-social benefits of religious practise’, it has been written by Professor Patricia Casey and it was launched at our conference on religious practise on April 3, 2009. An executive summary of the paper is also available by clicking...


New polls shows majority still believe marriage is better for society than cohabitation.

A majority of people continue to believe that marriage is better for society and for children than cohabitation according to a new opinion poll commissioned by The Iona Institute and conducted by Red C.


The denominational schools debate.

The latest paper from The Iona Institute looks at the ongoing debate over the future of denominational schools and argues that parents have a right to send their children to publicly-funded denominational (or other) schools of their choice.


Denominational education and parental choice poll

A poll conducted by Red C on behalf of The Iona Institute highlights public attitudes to the issue of parental choice in education. It finds overwhelming public support for parental choice and strong support for denominational schools.


Children’s Rights Submission

The Iona Institute has made a submission to the Oireachtas Committee examining the proposed children’s rights amendment.


NI religious knowledge poll

A new poll conducted by Millward Brown Ulster on behalf of The Iona Institute the Evangelical Alliance Ireland, and the Evangelical Alliance (Northern Ireland) reveals, for the first time ever, levels of religious knowledge among the general population in Northern Ireland and finds they are even lower than in the South as revealed by our...