The Iona Blog

Do the maths, Minister, religious education isn’t to blame

This week the OECD produced figures showing Ireland devotes less time on average to teaching science and maths than other countries, and more time teaching RE. We’re rightly worried about falling literacy and numeracy skills here and some people have concluded that the answer is to spend less time teaching RE. But as David Quinn...


The reason you’re not married is because ‘you’re a b*tch’

An article called ‘Why you’re not married’ has gone viral on the internet. It’s written by a TV scriptwriter named Tracy McMillan, who has been married three times herself. It is aimed at women who want to be married but aren’t married and wonder why. Pulling absolutely no punches, she tells them. She gives six...


Why a former Supreme Court judge thinks we don’t need a children’s referendum

Yesterday, writing in the Irish Independent, former Supreme Court judge Hugh O’Flaherty said that he didn’t think that the Government’s proposed referendum on children’s rights was necessary. He said that the aims of the wording, such as making the welfare of children a paramount consideration, extending the right to adoption where child’s welfare requires, providing...


It’s not just the children of married parents who aren’t placed for adoption, Minister

Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald was on Today with Pat Kenny this morning (Monday) talking about the forthcoming children right’s referendum. She said that one reason we need the referendum is because it is so hard to adopt the children of married parents who therefore languish in the legal limbo of the foster care system...


Surrogacy is very unlikely to be upheld by international law

Some months ago, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed a bill which would have allowed virtually unlimited surrogacy in his state. Surrogacy is banned in one European country after another. Here, Justice Minister Alan Shatter appears to be contemplating one of the most liberal surrogacy regimes in the world. Surrogacy is, of course, a process...


The conflict between gender ideology and science exposed again

We hear a lot about the conflict between science and religion. However, as I’ve argued before, the real conflict  these days is between science and various forms of political correctness, including feminism. This conflict is starkly highlighted in this documentary. It was shown a couple of years ago on Norwegian State television and is presented...


How an unimaginative penal system damages families

This blog has recently commented on the fact that there is an increasing marriage gap between the middle class and those from poorer areas. In the article concerned, Eve Tushnet, an American crisis-pregnancy counsellor, argued that the US’s ineffective and harmful penal policy is a major contributor to the breakdown of families from lower socio-economic...


Church and State and Pat Rabbitte

Pat Rabbitte got himself into a bit of hot water when he told RTE last weekend that he thought it would be a regressive step if the Church started ‘dictating’ to politicians again. Seeing as he had been ask to comment on Cardinal Sean Brady’s remark on the same programme that the Church might lobby...


Putting Humpty Dumpty back together again

There is a growing marriage gap between the middle class and many of those who live in our poorest areas. Basically, the middle class still aspire to marry and get married. In the poorest areas the aspiration to marry is still there – to an extent – but a growing number of people think it’s...


What’s that beam sticking out of your eye Mr Hefner?

Ok, attacking Hugh Hefner for saying it is traditionalists, and not the likes of him, who reduce the meaning of sex is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, but let’s do it anyway. The website Politico reports that in the current issue of Playboy Hefner editorialises against traditionalists who are seeking, he reckons,...