The Iona Blog

Europe and the Faith: a talk by Prof Richard Rex

By David Quinn

Professor Richard Rex of Queens’ College, Cambridge, addressed The Iona Institute and the Notre Dame Newman Centre for Faith and Reason in University Church last Wednesday night (March 22). His topic was ‘Europe and the Faith’, borrowing the title from Hilaire Belloc’s book of the same name. Professor Rex discussed the past, present and future...


A surprising reason why fertility rates have fallen so much

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Fertility rates are declining almost everywhere, and we are not recognising the dramatic consequences for future generations, a new documentary highlights. But the documentary comes up with a rarely recognised reason for what is taking place, namely that many women who want children find for various reasons that their wish is not fulfilled. Over the...


Pushback against West’s radical sexual agenda at UN

By Matt Moran

Sadly, the UN system has become contaminated with a far-left radical liberalism that is grounded in the sexual revolution and aggressive gender ideology that has no limits, especially within the education system. This was on full display over the past two weeks when the Commission on the Status of Women held its 67th Session at...


The West is sinking deeper into moral individualism

A new worldwide poll survey shows how much social attitudes across a whole range of issues differ by country. It also demonstrates, unsurprisingly, that Western countries are moving in a more liberal direction all the time, although a sizable enough minority of people with more traditionalist views remains in most of those countries. Starting with...


Upfront on RTE about radical RSE agenda

By David Quinn

RTE’s new Upfront programme a couple of weeks ago dealt with the topic of Relationships and Sexuality Education, and in particular how secondary school pupils should be taught about porn. For those not familiar with these debates, it will have been an eye-opener. Viewers are likely to have been shocked by the testimony of some...


David Quinn debates assisted suicide campaigner Tom Curran

An Oireachtas Committee is due to discuss assisted suicide shortly. David Quinn appeared on The Pat Kenny Show today and debated the matter with Tom Curran of ‘Exit International’. David pointed out that Exit International wants to go far beyond the terminally ill and make assisted suicide/euthanasia available to the seriously ill, those suffering severe mental health...


Another UN committee pushes a radical agenda on Ireland

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Once again, a UN body is pushing a radical agenda on Ireland at the behest of Irish NGOs. This includes allowing 16 and 17 years olds to identify as a different gender to their biological sex, ensuring free access to abortion for adolescent girls, and further undermining the rights of faith-based schools. This time the...


Children are left unprotected against extreme pornography

By Dr Angelo Bottone

There is an urgent need to protect children from online pornography, according to a new report by the UK Children’s Commissioner. To tackle this problem, obligatory age verification to watch porn will be introduced soon in France. Ireland should consider something similar. The UK Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza, launched the new report which shows...


A new organ donor bill is ethically questionable

By Dr Angelo Bottone

If a proposed new law is passed, after you die your organs can be removed from your body for medical purposes unless you expressly say beforehand that you do not want this to happen. Consent is otherwise assumed. As usual, the law is going through the various parliamentary stages without proper debate, even though the...


David Quinn debates subsidies for day-care

David Quinn was on the Pat Kenny Show about State subsidies for day-care. He argued that the State is discriminating against all other child-care choices, including the wish to mind your own children at home. He said the State should give money directly to parents so they can spend it on the child-care option they...

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