The Iona Blog

Increase in Home Carer’s Credit good, but doesn’t go nearly far enough

Budget 2016 will see the Home Carer’s Credit (HCC) increase by €190 per annum. The HCC was first introduced in 2000 to slightly offset the huge discrepancy tax individualisation created between one income and two income married couples.  The increase is good, but doesn’t go nearly far enough. When Charlie McCreevy announced tax individualisation as...


How the Finnish child-care system supports home-care

The debate about childcare in Ireland is not really a debate at all because, as usual, it is dominated by one side, namely those who want a State-subsidised universal day-care system available to all. To this end, they heavily promote the ‘Nordic model’. In doing so, however, they fail to distinguish between different Nordic models....


The significance of Pope Francis’s meeting with Kim Davis

It has now emerged that Pope Francis met briefly with Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who would not hand out marriage licences to same-sex couples because of her conscientious objection to same-sex marriage. He also met with the Little Sisters of the Poor who have also been involved in a religious freedom battle of...


State on collision course with faith schools over marriage

In his Irish Independent this week David Quinn writes about an INTO and Minister of Education-backed programme for primary schools called ‘Different Families, Same Love’ that is radically at odds with Christian teaching on marriage and the family. Among other things, the programme asks teachers to explain transgenderism to children as young as four. Read the...


On the ideological captivity of the social sciences

No less a figure than Steven Pinker, one of the world’s best known academics, has called it “one of the most important papers in the recent history of the social sciences”.  He is referring to a paper which deals with what amounts to the ideological capture of the social sciences by the political left, and...


Two cases that challenges the ‘love is all you need’ narrative

During what debate there was about the Government’s Children and Family Relationships Act, which allowed for egg and sperm donation to anyone and everyone (donor-assisted human reproduction or DAHR), those who supported the bill had a sort of mantra that could have been taken from the Beatles. When it comes to raising children, “love is...


The contradictory findings of the latest childcare poll

A poll conducted by website and looks at the attitude of mothers towards childcare. Media coverage of the poll focused on the finding that 45 percent of mothers said the cost of childcare prevented them returning to work. This would indicate a clamour for State-subsidised childcare. In fact, the findings of the poll...


Atheist Ireland’s delusional vision of ‘all-inclusive’ schooling

Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland has outlined his wishes for Irish schools in The Irish Times. If implemented they would result in the effective elimination of every denominational school in the country, bar a few privately-funded ones. The details of his proposals you can read in his article. However, if you strip down his vision...


Euthanasia: Some grim facts

Here is some things that have happened in the very civilised continent of Europe: Between October 2007 and December 2011, 100 people went to a clinic in Belgium’s Dutch-speaking region with depression, or schizophrenia, or, in several cases, Asperger’s syndrome, seeking euthanasia. The doctors, satisfied that 48 of the patients were in earnest, and that...


Divorce in Ireland 20 years on. What happened?

The other day sociologist Tony Fahey was interviewed on Today with Sean O’Rourke (Keelin Shanley standing in) about marriage in Ireland twenty years after the divorce referendum. During that referendum there were the usual accusations and counter-accusations but in some respects both sides were wrong about what would happen. The anti-divorce side warned that allowing...

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