TV and Radio

Iona Institute Director “fully sympathises” with Cavan priest fined for celebrating mass with people present

The Director of the Iona Institute, David Quinn, says he “fully sympathises” with Mullahoran priest Father PJ Hughes, who has been given a fixed penalty notice of €500 for breaching Covid-19 restrictions.  David Quinn told Joe Finnegan Show that it is questionable whether Father Hughes’ actions were a breach of the law. You can hear the...


Only very few countries have a ban on public worship

David Quinn was on Today With Claire Byrne where he discussed the issue of the ban on public worship and pointed out that only two other EU countries (Slovenia and Slovakia) currently have such a ban. The interview can be heard here.  


How the assisted human reproduction industry attacks the rights of children

David Quinn of The Iona Institute discusses how egg and sperm donation and surrogacy undermine the right of a child to their identity and compares them with the illegal adoption practices of the past, which we are rightly outraged by. He appeared on the ‘Hard Shoulder’ on Newstalk. You can listen to the item here.


Fr Vincent Twomey asks whether there is a duty to take the Covid vaccine

Moral theologian, Father Vincent Twomey spoke with Newstalk’s Pat Kenny on whether there is a moral duty to take one of the Covid-19 vaccines. He believes there is a duty in most cases, but there should be no compulsion. Fr Twomey is a patron of The Iona Institute. The interview can be heard here:  


Why it is wrong to halt public worship again

When any part of the country goes into level 3 restrictions in response to Covid-19, public worship, including Masses, has to end again, even though hairdressers, shops, gyms etc can remain open and no outbreak has occurred in a church since lockdown ended. David Quinn told Pat Kenny on Newstalk why he thinks the restriction...


The assisted suicide bill debated

David Quinn appeared on the Niall Boylan Show to debate the new Assisted Suicide Bill with Tom Curran of Exit International. David pointed out that Exit International wants anyone of ‘sound mind’ to be able to avail of assisted suicide even if they are mentally and physically healthy. You can listen to the debate here.


David Quinn debates the new Assisted Suicide Bill

Iona Institute director, David Quinn, was on The Hard Shoulder (Newstalk) on Monday debating Gino Kenny TD and his Private Members Bill that would introduce assisted suicide to Ireland. David said he was opposed to assisted suicide in principle, and pointed out that the Bill defines ‘terminal illness’ extremely broadly and does not say that...


Tackling Ireland’s growing birth dearth

A new study confirms that Ireland’s population is ageing fast, partly driven by a below-replacement level fertility rate. Iona Institute Director, David Quinn, was on Newstalk to discuss what, if anything, we can do about this. He said we need to debate the matter, and this needs to be led by young people who will...


David Quinn on an earlier reopening of churches

David Quinn, director of the Iona Institute and columnist with the Sunday Times, speaks with Pat Kenny (Newstalk) on reopening churches and other houses of worship to allow the public celebration of Mass and other services earlier than the Government accounced. This interview was broadcast on Wednesday May 20th. 


Most mothers want to work part-time

A new survey of Irish parents show that 61pc of mothers with children under 18 would prefer to work part-time compared with just 29pc of men. Brendan Conroy, a stay-at-home father and board member of The Iona Institute, was on The Pat Kenny Show to discuss the finding. You can listen to the item here....