News Roundup

Commitment of €12 million in budget for abortion is “obscene” says PLC

The Pro Life Campaign has described as “obscene” the setting aside of €12 million in today’s budget for the provision of abortion in Ireland. The Government made clear today that the €12 million contained in the budget is not the total cost envisaged annually for abortions but just an initial roll out cost.

Commenting on today’s news, Eilís Mulroy of the Pro Life Campaign said: “It is obscene that €12 million of taxpayers’ money has been set aside for one reason and one reason only – to end the lives of unborn babies.

“Minister Harris keeps talking about his commitment to ensuring a ‘safe, woman centred approach’ as though the purpose of legal abortion was to save women’s lives. Simon Harris knows perfectly well that that’s not the case. The €12 million will be spent not on improving healthcare provision in Ireland but on destroying innocent human life.

“Minister Harris can engage in whatever semantic gymnastics he wishes but ultimately nothing can disguise the reality that the new law he is introducing is a cold and clinical attack on unborn human life. We were told that “choice” and “compassion” would be the outcome of removing the Eighth Amendment but today’s news is another stark reminder of what the referendum was really about.”


Mothers ‘are less responsive’ to donor egg babies, new research suggests

Mothers who give birth using donor eggs do not have the same connection with their babies as women who use their own eggs, a new study suggests.

Scientists at Cambridge University found that women who do not have a genetic connection with their offspring show “subtle yet meaningful” differences in how they interact.

Their observations showed that donor mothers made slightly less eye contact with their babies and responded less to their games.

The researchers believe the differences may be explained by an awareness on the part of the mother that they are not genetically linked to their child, or because they typically arrive at parenthood later in life.


Catholic marriage service forfeits Government grant over ethos clash

A Catholic marriage advisory service in Cork has forfeited a quarter million euro annual Government grant because it does not want to diverge from its ethos which says that marriage can only take place between a man and a woman. The centre had been instructed to give marriage counselling to same-sex couples.

The Cork Marriage Counselling Centre (CMCC) is a service of the Catholic, Cork & Ross Social Services and has been working with couples since the 1970s. It receives between €250,000 and €300,000 a year in funding from Tusla, but the arrangement is now at an end, even though the CMCC has been dealing with a steady stream of clients.

Staff at the Centre were dismayed by the decision and appeared to fault the Centre for not caving into Tusla’s demands.

“It has always been the policy of the centre to welcome everyone regardless of means or status,” they said in a statement. “We believe the loss of this low-cost service to the people of Cork who can’t afford to pay for private counselling is shameful.” The statement said staff were not consulted on the decision by CRSS to not sign the service- level agreement and asked how another Catholic agency, Accord, had been able to do so while CMCC did not.

It had been announced in August that Accord would comply with the new strictures and offer its marital counselling service to same-sex couples.

President of Accord Bishop Denis Nulty told the Irish Independent at the time that they “can’t refuse people” and indicated the move was in line with Pope Francis’ lead in the papal document, Amoris Laetitia, the ‘Joy of Love’. The document does not require Church services to counsel same-sex couples. It does speak of the need to accompany people but does not make clear what this means in every context.


Low turnout invalidates Romanian Referendum to stop same-sex marriage

A referendum to establish a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in Romania has failed – after only a fifth of voters turned out to vote. Romanians were being asked whether they wanted the constitution changed to specify that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

But just 20.4% of eligible voters cast ballots – short of the 30% needed. The vast majority of those who voted, voted in favour of the referendum.

Mihai Gheorghiu, president of the pro-referendum Coalition for Family, told the BBC ahead of the vote they were trying “to protect, at a constitutional level, the definition of marriage – between one woman and one man”.

But after two days of voting, it seems the No campaign’s strategy – to boycott the vote in the hope the turnout fell below the 30% needed to validate the referendum – was successful. The low turnout comes despite the support of the powerful Orthodox church, and the unusual step by the government of extending the vote to two days instead of one. The constitution will retain its current, neutral wording – that a family “is founded on the freely consented marriage of the spouses”.


Verona defies Italy’s abortion law and declares itself a ‘pro-life city’

Verona’s town council voted to declare the northern Italian city officially “pro-life”.

Councillors approved a motion that calls itself “an initiative to prevent abortion and promote motherhood”. It demands public funding for anti-abortion groups and calls for the council to promote a regional project that encourages pregnant women to place unplanned babies for adoption rather than opt to end their lives.

Despite the fact that abortion is legal everywhere in Italy, and amid protests from feminist groups, the motion was passed by 21 votes to six.

The motion’s backers had also sought to add a proposal that would make it obligatory to give aborted foetuses a burial, even if the woman herself opposed it. However, that move did not make it to a vote.

Irish surrogacy rates are ‘world’s second-highest’

Ireland has been found to have the second-highest rate of surrogacy use, according to a survey involving 90 countries. Surrogacy is banned in countries like Germany, Austria, Italy and Sweden because it is thought to exploit poorer women and commodify children.

The survey, carried out last year by Families Through Surrogacy (FTS), claims Ireland is second only to Israel in the rate of use of surrogacy. Families Through Surrogacy based its finding on the answers given by 30 agencies in nine countries dealing with clients from 90 nations. It found that 68% of surrogacies carried out for Irish couples took place in Ukraine.

Sam Everingham, a director of the Australia-based FTS, believes the proposal to ban commercial surrogacy in Ireland would be a mistake and would drive couples to break the law. “Learning from countries like Australia, where three states have banned overseas surrogacy, shows such policies fail,” he said.

“Despite such policies in Australian states, that country remains the second largest user of cross-border surrogacy globally.”


Transgender person seeks drug trial acquittal as man arrested ‘no longer exists’

A drug trial in Mayo may fall apart as the man charged with the crime is legally recognised by the State as a woman.

The defendant who was born a man was named as ‘Patrick’ on the arrest warrant, even though the person had at the time obtained a gender recognition certificate that legally changed his gender to ‘female’ and his name to ‘Fiona’. The State returned to Castlebar District Court on Wednesday to change the name on the summons.

Nicola Daly, solicitor for the defendant, objected to the application made by the state, contending the person named on the summons no longer existed. The defendant had legally changed her name by deed poll and obtained a gender recognition certificate in June 2016, well before the arrest and subsequent charge for a drugs offence. Daly said that any attempt to amend the summons would compromise the defendant’s constitutional and human rights under the Gender Recognition Act.

Joe McKenna, a superintendent at Castlebar Garda station, said the state would continue to argue that the defendant was the same person and should be tried as such, regardless of the incorrect name filed on the summons.

The judge adjourned the matter to a November 21 sitting of Castlebar District Court, where evidence will be heard from Gardai of what details were provided by the transgender person at the time of the arrest.


New US Supreme Court Justices puts permissive abortion law on notice

The addition of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court may result in the very permissive abortion regime that was introduced by the Roe V Wade ruling in 1973 being curbed by the Court, according to an article in the New York Times.

The piece listed three ways the court could intervene to change the law and restrict abortion. The most likely and least far-reaching would be to allow Roe v Wade to stand but also allow individual states to provide some protections to the unborn child. The next possibility would be to overturn Roe v Wade and thereby revert back to the situation prior to 1973, when each state had its own unique law (unless that state law has been updated since). A third possibility, the least likely and what would be the most disruptive would be for the Court to declare unborn human life to have rights that thereby restrict or would outright prohibit abortion.


Abortion bill “most unjust and inhumane bill ever to come before the Dáil,” says Pro Life Campaign

Pro-life groups have vehemently protested the abortion legislation introduced to the Oireachtas yesterday.

Commenting outside the Dáil, Eilís Mulroy of the Pro Life Campaign said: “The Government has painted a very benign and sanitised picture of what’s contained in its abortion bill. The reality however is chillingly different. The bill being introduced to the Oireachtas today is by far and away the most unjust and inhumane bill ever to come before the Dáil.

“Regardless of how many times Minister Harris suggests otherwise, his bill has nothing whatsoever to do with genuine healthcare. The bill defines abortion as a ‘medical procedure intended to end the life of a foetus.’ The intent here could not be clearer.”

Ms Mulroy continued: “The public voted to repeal the Eighth Amendment, they did not vote in favour of the extreme and inhumane proposal that the Government is now putting forward – legislation that doesn’t even provide pain relief for unborn babies during late term abortions and that compels doctors to abandon their medical training to protect life and instead facilitate abortions or run the risk of being struck of the medical register.

“Minister Harris will be showered with praise in the coming days from the usual quarters about how ‘compassionate’ and ‘liberating’ his abortion bill is. But away from all the applause and acclaim the truth will emerge about the truly barbaric nature of the new law. Granted it will take time, but the truth will come out. As a movement, I can assure the minister we will not rest until it does.”


Pupils will have to opt in for religious instruction in State schools, opt out of timetabled classes

Parents will have to opt their children into religious instruction in State secondary schools under new directions to be issued shortly. As schools will be required to ensure students who do not take religious instruction are provided with another subject on the timetable, this means in effect that students who choose religious instruction must opt-out of regular, timetabled classes.

The Irish Times has learned that a new Department of Education circular will clarify requirements aimed at giving greater rights to non-religious and minority faith students in about half of secondary schools. Under the new rule, there will be an automatic assumption that children are not taking religious instruction, unless parents have requested admission to the class. The changes will affect about 160,000 secondary school students, or almost half the entire secondary school population.