News Roundup

Washington state to teach gender ideology to pre-school children

The US state of Washington is to introduce classes on transgender theory in kindergartens. The move means that pre-school children will be introduced to the idea that gender is a social construct rather than a biological reality. Guidelines on the new classes state that children as young as five should “understand there are many ways to express gender”. The guidelines define ‘gender’ as “a social construct based on emotional, behavioural, and cultural characteristics attached to a person’s assigned biological sex”. The Family Policy Institute of Washington has described the education move as “frightening” and warned that students “may have to choose between accepting politically correct talking points or failing assignments and being ostracised by school administrators.”


Britain rejects Christian asylum seekers who cannot recite the Ten Commandments

Christian asylum seekers in Britain are being rejected if they cannot fully recite the Ten Commandments. This is one of the findings made by an all-party parliamentary group for international freedom of religion and belief which examined the asylum process for migrants arriving in Britain. The group found that staff dealing with applications were employing trivia questions on religion in place of a deeper understanding of belief. “The problem with [the] questions is that if you are not genuine you can learn the answers, and if you are genuine, you may not know the answers,” said Baroness Berridge, the head of the parliamentary group.


Pro-Life Campaign call to ‘Celebrate the 8th’

The Pro-Life Campaign (PLC) has called for a large show of support to ‘Celebrate the 8th’ on June 4. Thousands of people in Dublin are expected to gather at the gates of Leinster House in Molesworth St. from 3pm to demonstrate their support for the Constitutional protection for the unborn. Cora Sherlock of PLC said: “We’ve become used to accepting what groups like Amnesty International and others say about the 8th Amendment, but the 8th Amendment is a human rights beacon. It protects the human rights of every human being in this country and we need to stand up and remind ourselves of that. Saturday will be a good chance to do that.”

US Cardinal laments ‘aggressive gender ideology’

America’s Cardinal Donald Wuerl has lamented his country’s current climate of “aggressive gender ideology”. In a blog post, the Cardinal takes the ongoing drive to create a “new order” of subjective reality. He writes: “Last year we saw a societal redefinition of marriage and family. Today, the concept of humanity itself is called into question with an aggressive ‘gender’ ideology which holds that whether a person is male or female is not an objective reality, but is subjectively determined. Increasingly, those who do not go along with this new order are denounced and ostracised as bigoted. It is as if we all must now affirm that the world is flat lest we be condemned of discrimination.”

Christian University stripped of accreditation over stance on homosexuality

A Christian university in Canada has appealed a court ruling that stripped its academic accreditation because of its opposition to homosexuality. Trinity Western University (TWU) in Langley City, British Columbia appealed on the grounds of religious freedom. Bruce Clemenger, President of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, which is backing the appeal, said of the loss of accreditation: “[The] objection is that TWU is a Christian school and that students and staff are required to abide by a biblically-informed ‘community covenant’. The issue is about beliefs, not abilities. It is the faith orientation, not the academic qualifications, that is being challenged.”

Calls for Cardinal’s prosecution for attacking gender ideology

A feminist group in Spain has called on the authorities to prosecute a Catholic Cardinal after he defended the traditional family and denounced gender ideology which is the belief that a person’s ‘gender’ can be different from their biological sex. The Feminist Platform of Alicante has accused Cardinal Antonio Canizares of “inciting discrimination and hatred” when, during a sermon he said: “The family is being stalked today, in our culture…We have legislation contrary to the family, the acts of political and social forces, to which are added movements and acts by the gay empire, by ideologies such as radical feminism, or the most insidious of all, gender ideology…When the family is attacked or is diminished, the most sacred forms of human relationship are perverted.”


US abortion provider seeks law to ban undercover journalism

America’s largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood is pushing for legislation in the state of California that would criminalise journalists who publish undercover stories about abortion clinics. A Bill backed by the group has been placed before state legislators with the aim of imposing a $10,000 fine or three years of imprisonment on reporters writing stories gained by use of undercover audio or video recordings. The Bill comes in the wake of a major video exposé of Planned Parenthood’s practices. The California Newspaper Publishers Association has denounced the Bill as unconstitutional.


Film criticised for assisted suicide storyline

A new film containing an assisted suicide storyline has been criticised in Britain. Following its release, ‘Me Before You’, which centres on the relationship between a wheelchair-bound man and his carer, Not Dead Yet, a group which campaigns against assisted suicide, attacked the film’s message that “the lives of disabled people as not worth living”. The group staged a demonstration at the film’s London premiere, while other critics have taken to Twitter to denounce its story content.


Over one third of Irish births outside marriage, new figures show

Over one third of babies born in Ireland last year was outside marriage, the latest Central Statistics Office reveals. According to the figures, of 65,909 births in 2015, 23,990 (36.4%) were outside marriage, with 59.5% of that cohort being cohabiting couples. The highest percentage of births outside marriage/civil partnership was in Limerick city at 55.7 per cent. The lowest was in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown with 24 per cent. Just over 53 per cent of births outside marriage/civil partnership were to mothers under 30.


Politics, media seek to drive Church from the public sphere – Bishop

Bishop William Crean of Cloyne has said that some in Ireland today seek to drive the Church from the public sphere in the name of ‘progress’. Delivering a homily for the ordination Mass for nine new deacons at Maynooth, Bishop Crean warned them that their role is one subject to “potential vilification and rejection” today. “Ireland, through its political and media establishments seem determined to eliminate the engagement of the Catholic Church in the public sphere….There are many in these systems who have developed a gratuitous cynicism towards the Catholic Church and desire its destruction, believing that it stands between the people and Ireland becoming a progressive society.”