Making lethal substances available to the public so they can kill themselves is not compatible with the State’s duty to protect the general public, according to a landmark ruling in Germany.
The decision has important implications for euthanasia or assisted suicide.
The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig said medical care includes “the use of an anaesthetic to cure or alleviate illness or pathological complaints,” and this does not entail (self-)killing.
“In principle, ending one’s own life does not have such a therapeutic purpose.”
Welcoming the ruling Dr. Felix Böllmann, of ADF International, said suicide is not a health service.
“The task of doctors, medical professionals, and also the personal environment is to save lives and provide support instead of killing,” he said.
He added that the current legal situation remains unsatisfactory since a prior judgement of the German Constitutional Court made a dramatic shift that left the most vulnerable people in society unprotected from the dangers of ‘assisted dying’ while allowing commercial and ideological interests to dominate the scene.
“Nevertheless, It is good that the federal administrative court mentions and strengthens the State’s concept of protecting the life of every individual. Everyone has a right to life. And everyone has the right to have their life protected from and by everyone. Indeed, the state has a legal obligation to systematically protect every human life”.