The Iona Blog

The female victims of anti-Christian persecution

By Dr Angelo Bottone

In many countries, Christian women and girls suffer abduction, rape, forced conversion and forced marriage, according to a new report. But social stigma and fear of reprisal from perpetrators keep their stories mostly unheard. The “Hear her cries: Kidnapping, forced conversion and sexual victimization of Christian women and girls” report addresses the appalling problem of...


The countries requiring vaccine passport to attend worship

By Dr Angelo Bottone

During the pandemic, Ireland prevented worshippers attending religious services longer than any other country in Europe, but at least we haven’t gone so far as to force people to show vaccine passports before attending. Some countries have imposed this requirement, and shockingly, Church authorities are sometimes willing to comply. In Quebec, for example, the provincial...


The deadly inaccuracy of many prenatal tests

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Prenatal tests are a vital part of the thriving eugenics industry whereby unborn children with genetic defects are not considered fit for life and are aborted instead. But a report in The New York Times (not a pro-life paper) confirms that the tests for certain foetal abnormalities are often unreliable as they give too many...


An important voice is raised up against Assisted Suicide

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The College of Psychiatrists in Ireland has come out strongly against the proposal to legalise Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia (PAS-E). In a new paper released just before Christmas, they say it is “contrary to the efforts of psychiatrists, other mental health staff and the public to prevent deaths by suicide.” It will place vulnerable...


What a new report reveals about the love-lives of Irish young people

By Dr Angelo Bottone

A new ERSI report examines the lives of 20-year-olds in Ireland. Among other things, it finds that about half of them are currently in a romantic relationship and that the vast majority became sexually active from their late teens on. Almost 30pc of girls believe they should have waited longer to have sex for the...


We need the light of the world more than ever

By Mark Hamilton Each Covid variant rings new emergency alarm bells, resulting in parts of society having to retreat again to the bunker. The fear is never ending, as with the climate crisis. Action stations! We have no time to lose. Meanwhile, the principles on which our society are based are being substantially eroded and...


The assisted suicide campaign gathers pace, led by RTE

The campaign to legalise assisted suicide in Ireland is gathering pace. As with the abortion referendum, human stories are being used to win the public around to the proposition. This was very much the case on RTE’s Claire Byrne Live last Monday night. The result is that suicide is being normalised. Vulnerable people are being...


The extreme philosophy behind a new suicide machine

By Dr Angelo Bottone

To lots of international publicity, a new assisted suicide machine gained legal approval in Switzerland last week called ‘Sarco’, short for sarcophagus. As the name implies, it is a coffin-shaped and sized container that is flooded with nitrogen when activated from inside by the suicidal person, killing them. The development caused remarkably little outrage because...


Review of Abortion Act will be a one-sided whitewash

The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, launched the Review of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy Act) 2018 yesterday at a Meeting of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health. Sadly, this review is about one thing… the extension of abortion. What became clear from the meeting is that the review will be a...


New ERSI report on disability ignores eugenic abortion

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The number of Irish people with disabilities will decline over time, a new report from by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) says. This will be due to the general decline in fertility rates, it states. No doubt that will be a big factor, but it leaves out another key element, namely the growing...

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