The Iona Blog

Eradicating the gender pay gap would mean attacking women’s freedom

By David Quinn

The headline in the article read: “Women in full-time employment work for free for one month each year.” Taken on its own, this is incredibly misleading because the average person will think that women get paid 14pc less than men for working the same hours in the same job. Delve into the article by...


‘Three Girls’ were also failed by today’s sexual mores

By David Quinn

The BBC last week aired a three-part TV drama called ‘Three Girls’. Based closely on real life events it focussed on three girls who were systematically abused by mostly middle-aged men who came mostly from the Pakistani community. The girls were failed in multiple ways. One way, insufficiently noted, was by today’s sexual mores which helped to...


Atheist Ireland’s secular State would reduce freedom of religion to freedom of worship

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland, has presented the usual litany of discrimination allegedly suffered by atheists and religious minorities in Ireland in an article for The Irish Times this week.  He calls a more secular state.  But what kind of secular State? The kind he wants would have almost no place for religion in public...


Warning: this video could disturb your conscience

By David Quinn

It could “disturb the conscience of women who, in accordance with the law, have made personal life choices”, the court in France ruled last November. What might “disturb” their consciences? The answer is an ad which tells mothers carrying a Down Syndrome baby in their wombs that life with a Down Syndrome child can be...


Have we reached peak anti-Catholicism yet? Maybe

By David Quinn

Have we reached peak anti-Catholicism in Ireland? Perhaps I’m being optimistic, but I have a feeling the answer might be yes. In the last few weeks we have had story after story that has ignited and then reignited the tremendous reservoir of anger that exists in this country towards the Catholic Church. This might make...


The Government has ordained; the sex you are is totally unrelated to your body

By David Quinn

In 2015, Ireland passed one of the most radical ‘gender recognition’ laws in the world. The law said your body and your sex (or ‘gender’) are totally unrelated to one another. That law applied only to people aged 18 and over. An amendment will now extend the law to those aged 16 and over, but...


Stories that ought to shock liberals, but don’t

By David Quinn

The stories we find most shocking are the ones that offend our deepest values. However, because it is liberals who dominate the public space, it is the stories which shock them, that get the most attention. Other, equally shocking stories get almost no attention, like this story about the company that has turned embryos into a form of...


Fintan O’Toole mocks ethos, but he has one too

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Fintan O’Toole in his Irish Times column this week ridiculed the very idea of having an ethos and mocked Catholics for having one, but can anyone really live without an ethos? O’Toole thinks that ‘ethos’ is a Latin word. He has either never read or has forgotten about Aristotle’s Ethics, one the foundational texts of...


TDs urge Government to recognise ISIS actions against religious minorities as ‘genocide’

We are pleased to be able to announce that 22 TDs and Senators have signed a letter addressed to Foreign Affairs Minister, Charlie Flanagan, urging the Government to recognise ISIS attacks on Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria as a form of genocide. The letter was drafted and circulated by The...


Maria Steen discusses the Citizens’ Assembly on RTE’s Drivetime

Maria Steen of The Iona Institute was on RTE’s Drivetime on Monday evening to discuss the recommendations by the Citizens’ Assembly in favour of a very wide-ranging liberalisation of our abortion laws to bring them more in line with Britain’s. Her contribution can be heard here.

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