News Roundup

UK Supreme Court paves way for funding commercial surrogacy

A recent ruling by the UK Supreme Court has brought the legalisation of commercial surrogacy, and its funding by taxpayers in the United Kingdom, several steps closer. Commercial surrogacy involves paying a large fee to the surrogate mother and is banned by most countries as a form of baby-buying.

On April 1st, the Supreme Court’s since-retired President, Lady Hale, provided the leading Judgment in Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v. XX. This Judgment has, for the first time, legitimised compensation claims against the taxpayer-funded National Health Service (NHS) in order to pursue commercial surrogacy services abroad that are illegal in the UK.

The coronavirus pandemic has so far kept this Judgment off the media radar, but according to Gary Powell, the European Special Consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture, California, it represents “an ominous development”.

The court upheld a claim from a woman to pursue four commercial surrogacy pregnancies in California at the expense of the UK taxpayer. The judgment is notable in that commercial surrogacy is illegal in the UK, and two Supreme Court Judges dissented from the Judgment on the grounds that it is against public policy for a court to award damages to enable conduct abroad that is illegal in the UK.


Northern Assembly passes motion rejecting abortion for non fatal disabilities

The Northern Irish Assembly passed a motion Tuesday night rejecting a major plank of the North’s new abortion law.

MLA’s from both communities voted 46 to 40 against abortion for non-fatal disabilities, including Down’s syndrome.

The motion also implied a rejection of the whole abortion regime recently imposed by Westminster.

While the vote does not overturn the new law, it does apply pressure on the UK Government to amend or rescind it.

Sinn Fein had also come out against some of the Northern Ireland’s Office’s abortion regulations, prompting criticism from pro-choice groups such as Amnesty International who accused the party of propping up “a dangerous anti-choice agenda”.

The Republican party’s amended motion did not go so far as the one proposed by the DUP and failed to get enough support to pass.

NI’s Both Lives Matter said the vote gives hope that the North’s elected representatives “do not aspire to the extreme abortion regime that pro-choice lobbyists have insisted on”.

Both Lives Matter services advocate Marion Woods said: “Both lives matter before and after birth and so we call on our local Assembly to ensure that women and families who face a prenatal diagnosis of disability are supported during pregnancy and post-birth”.

Eilis Mulroy of the Pro-Life Campaign welcomed the motion saying the result shows what can happen when the political establishment doesn’t censor debate and allows the pro-life side to get a fair hearing. “The heart-breaking personal testimonies of women who regret their abortions and the intervention of people like disability rights campaigner Heidi Crowter all helped influence the outcome”.

She added that Westminster cannot justifiably continue to try and impose abortion on Northern Ireland. “It is clear from the 46:40 vote that this devolved issue should be decided by Northern Ireland’s elected representatives and not the UK parliament.”


Limit of one sexual partner is ‘good public health advice’, says Dr Tony Holohan

People should limit themselves to one sexual partner to reduce the spread of Covid-19, chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan has said.

He was asked at the daily Covid19 briefing yesterday whether he agreed with advice from the Dutch public health team to people in the Netherlands to limit themselves to one partner.

He said “that is good public health advice” as a precaution against the transmission of infections generally.

Dr Holohan said there was no specific advice around Covid-19 regarding intimate contact for people who were in a relationship and lived in different houses.

“We know that is a challenge for people,” he said. “And there are general guidelines which they can refer to on engagements between different households.”


Fine Gael group wants all children to be able to change legally recognised gender

A Fine Gael policy paper drafted for the government formation talks recommends changing laws to allow all children change their legal gender.

The report drafted by Fine Gael’s LGBT committee recommended that children aged 16-17 should be free to legally self-declare their own gender.

The committee, which includes Taoiseach Leo Varadkar as a member, also says laws need to be changed to allow even children under 16 change their gender with parental approval.

The 15-page report also recommends that the Gender Recognition Act 2015 be changed to “allow for the recognition of a gender other than male or female in law”.

It recommends that the next government should allow people who do not consider themselves either male or female to be permitted to mark X on their passports.

This would mean Irish passports would have three gender categories – male, female and X.

The policy paper also calls for changes to the Road Traffic Act to allow for the introduction of rainbow-coloured pedestrian crossings.

The committee also calls for an easing of restrictions on gay men who wish to donate blood.

It also called for so-called “conversion therapies” to be banned in Ireland and wants major legislative reforms to address the perceived lack of LGBT sex education in schools.


Catholic Bishops call for inquiry into damaging impact of covid19 on nursing homes

The Catholic Bishops have called for an official inquiry into why nursing home facilities in Ireland were so badly affected by covid19.

Residents of nursing homes, accounted for 63% of coronavirus deaths in Ireland, a proportion which is the second worst in the world.

One GP, Marcus de Brun, resigned from the board of the Medical Council in protest, attributing the torrid situation to failures by the Department of Health and Minister Simon Harris.

In a statement on Saturday, the Council for Healthcare of the Irish Episcopal Conference said that lessons must be learned, and they “would welcome appropriate inquiries into the reasons why nursing care facilities were so badly affected”.

“Every resident is someone’s mother, father, grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or friend. They have played their part over many decades in contributing to their communities and to the economy. The lives of those who live in such facilities should be valued, respected, and enhanced”.

“Human life is sacred and precious from the child in the womb to the elderly person in care. We must do all that we can to protect life and to improve the quality of life for those who are particularly vulnerable. At this time, the coronavirus crisis presents an opportunity for society to reflect on where it stands in relation to the elderly and to others who are most vulnerable among us. The lessons learned will enable us to build a culture of life and care where everyone is supported and all are entitled to life-protecting services and facilities”.


Honouring mothers and fathers on UN’s Global Day of Parents

The importance of both mothers and fathers was celebrated by a European Federation of Catholic Family Associations on Monday to mark the UN Global Day of Parents.

FAFCE’s President, Vincenzo Bassi, said parents are those who take joyful responsibility in caring for their children, in a free gift of themselves. “This openness to life generates new vitality far beyond the family itself, benefitting the society at large”, he said, and added that the current crisis is highlighting to all the importance of the family as the centre of the society. “Let’s take the time, today, to honour fathers and mothers and to applaud them, recognising their fundamental role during the current pandemic”.

Bassi also said there was a certain irony in the UN’s celebration.

“Despite many declarations, family is often not considered as a priority, while the role of parents has been overshadowed by the so called new rights. These ‘new rights’, by affirming the right to have a child, neglect the right of every child to have a father and a mother”.

Two weeks ago, FAFCE warned of a shocking video showing 46 new-born babies via the practice of surrogacy in Ukraine: a small hint into the hidden reality of this lucrative business. “These babies were displaced there, as objects in the markets, waiting for their buyers to come and pick them up,” Bassi continued, highlighting that “there is no right to generate or to have a child, but only the responsibility to take care of his/her life for the common good. The community should help the parents to not feel alone, awarding them when they take on this responsibility as parents”.


Supreme Court rejects California Church’s request to overturn lockdown measure

The US Supreme Court turned aside a California church’s request to lift a lockdown measure that limited church attendance to 25 percent of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees.

Lawyers for the church argued that the order violates the First Amendment’s religious exercise clause and discriminates against places of worship because “no comparable let alone equal limitations” are imposed on secular activities such as manufacturing, retail merchandising, or marijuana or liquor dispensaries.

In a three-page opinion, Chief Justice Roberts disagreed, saying that similar or more severe measures have been applied to comparable secular gatherings where people are in close proximity for an extended period of time, such as lectures, concerts, movie showings, spectator sports, and theatrical performances.

He said the state’s order only treats more leniently to activities that aren’t comparable, “such as operating grocery stores, banks, and laundromats, in which people neither congregate in large groups nor remain in close proximity for extended periods.”

Roberts said that once broad limits are not exceeded, it isn’t the role of the federal judiciary to be second-guessing officials who appear to be acting in good faith while making decisions about public health.


Religious worship lies at the essence of many people’s lives, says Baroness O’Loan

Religious worship matter because it lies at the essence of many people’s lives.

That’s according to human rights lawyer and former NI police ombudsman, Baroness Nuala O’Loan.

She was speaking as debate continued about when churches might reopen for public worship.

She told the Irish Catholic newspaper that the ability to come together to pray, to go to Mass, to receive sacraments is as important as the ability to go to the supermarket or many other things under discussion right now.

“We’ve always been able to go to the supermarket because it’s always been recognised that we need to buy food, the Mass and the Sacraments for us is food for the soul,” she said.

In a secular society, she added, there’s a “lack of recognition” of the spiritual “as manifest in worship such as that in the Catholic Church”.

“I think for that reason those who are believers need to speak up and say it wasn’t for nothing that there’s a recognised right to freedom of religion but it’s important that we keep the issue of spirituality and the right to practice your religion right at the forefront and that it’s not something that doesn’t matter, it’s not something that is engaged in by self-serving people, rather it’s the essence of the lives of so many people in Ireland.”


LA archdiocese announces reopening plan after California Governor eases restrictions on churches

After California relaxed public health restrictions on churches on Monday, the nation’s largest diocese announced its plan on Tuesday to resume public Masses.

In a two-step plan for parishes to reopen and offer the sacraments, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles on Tuesday provided a checklist for each parish to observe. The state’s dioceses and archdioceses have all curtailed public Masses since March, but starting June 3 the archdiocese will allow for public Masses.

While Governor Gavin Newsom’s four-step reopening plan for the state had initially placed churches in stage 3 of reopening, that of “higher-risk workplaces,” on Monday the state announced that churches could begin reopening subject to county restrictions. The state is currently in stage 2 of Newsom’s reopening plan, where manufacturing and some retail businesses have been allowed to reopen.

Now, California has allowed churches to open at 25% capacity with a maximum of 100 people.

The state’s Catholic Conference called the new state guidelines “positive, constructive and fundamentally in alignment” with the diocesan reopening plans, and expressed gratitude for being “a part of the consultation.”


This year’s Reek-Sunday pilgrim-walk has been cancelled

This year’s Annual Reek-Sunday, pilgrim-walk has been cancelled.

The climb of Croagh Patrick near Westport, Mayo, was due to take place on July 26th, one week after the Government will allow the public celebration of mass in churches.

The decision was taken to help the national effort to suppress the coronavirus.

“Having consulted with the various statutory and non-statutory bodies involved in the Reek pilgrimage, having in mind the Government’s “Roadmap” for emerging from the coronavirus pandemic, and accepting the clear public health advice offered, it is necessary to cancel the 2020 National Pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick on 26 July”, a statement said.

Archbishop of Tuam, Michael Neary, said he hopes the event will return in July 2021.