Members of the Citizens’ Assembly will be balloted next month on the recommendations they will ultimately pass to Government on the issue of Ireland’s abortion laws. Towards that ballot, the wording of which will be agreed upon by members, a paper compiled by legal expert Brian Murray SC was highlighted by the Assembly chair as important in members’ deliberations. In that paper Mr Murray identifies three possible outcomes for the assembly: Retention of the Eighth Amendment’s protection for the unborn; repeal of the amendment, or retention with further amendments inserted into the Constitution. The result of the ballot will be passed to the Houses of the Oireachtas, which, if repeal is recommended, must decide on what is to replace the Eighth Amendment. Assembly members begin their deliberations just days after an Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll revealed that a minority of just 28% of people in Ireland favour repeal of the Eighth Amendment.
The Iona Institute was among the groups to address the Assembly at the weekend.