News Roundup

No gain in removing religion as core primary school subject – Management Association

Removing religion as a core subject in primary schools will do nothing to solve the curriculum overload problem, the General Secretary of the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association (CPSMA) has said. Reacting to proposals by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) that religion lose its core status in favour of ‘flexible time’ outside a 60% dedication of school time to Maths, English and Irish, Seamus Mulconry pointed out that “Religious education is transmitting a holistic world view with very sound values that underpin a lot of the stuff that is valuable in our society. When people are thinking of cutting it down or dumping it they need to do some very, very serious thinking.” Calling for an “objective appraisal” of issues at the heart of the school curriculum debate, Mr Mulconry insisted that the NCCA’s current consultations on a new curriculum should not be “obsessed with religion”. The NCCA consultations run through the spring of 2017.


Christians most persecuted faith group in 2016 – report

Christians were the most persecuted faith grouping in the world in 2016, a new study says. According to figures compiled by the Centre for Study of Global Christianity at the Massachusetts based Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, over 90,000 Christians were killed in the past year – a rate of one every six minutes. The figures, set to be released next month, were discussed by Italian sociologist Massimo Introvigne of the Centre for Studies on New Religions based in Turin during an interview with Vatican Radio. He pointed out that, in 2016, 70% of Christians killed based on their faith had died in tribal conflicts in Africa, with the remaining 30% accounted for by terror attacks and government persecution worldwide.


Senator urges RTÉ accountability after abortion bias warning from BAI

Independent Senator, Rónán Mullen has called on RTÉ to offer a “serious” response after the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland issued a warning notice to the broadcaster on foot of the third upheld complaint against the Ray D’Arcy radio show in just 12 months. In all cases, complaints have centred on D’Arcy’s pro-abortion bias in discussing the issue and Irish laws regulating it. In a statement, Senator Mullen said: “It is astounding that RT É Management has let the situation come to this. They seem to have been utterly serene about one of their broadcasters repeatedly abusing the privileged position of tax-funded broadcasting and failing to treat the public with the decency and respect it deserved…Given the hat-trick scored by the Ray D’Arcy Show, RTÉ must…in its coverage of this finding and in its actions going forward, give the public an account of its stewardship. Regardless of people’s views on abortion, all must agree that on vital and sensitive social issues, the public service broadcaster must be scrupulously impartial. It must now give the serious response to this BAI decision that will reassure the public that it ‘gets’ it at last.


Texas to end funding for Planned Parenthood abortion provider

The US state of Texas has informed America’s largest abortion provider that it will no longer be funded by taxpayers in the state. Currently in receipt of $3.1 million in such funding, Planned Parenthood has been placed on notice that monies will cease in 30 days as a result of ongoing allegations that the group has been profiting from the sale of foetal body parts. In a letter announcing the move, the Texas Health and Human Services stated that “Planned Parenthood violated state and federal law” in its actions. Just weeks ago, a US Congressional investigation revealed evidence that Planned Parenthood in Texas “broke the law when it sold aborted baby remains for profit to the University of Texas”. That finding came just ahead of a US Senate Judiciary Committee decision to refer several Planned Parenthood clinics to the FBI and the Department of Justice for criminal investigation in relation to the body parts question.


Report finds multiple dangerous failings at Marie Stopes clinics

A report on Britain’s biggest abortion provider has revealed a raft of dangerous and questionable practices at its clinics across the country. Inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) have detailed numerous failings at Maries Stopes clinics, including staff “bulk signing” consent forms, limited clinical oversight, poorly trained staff, and at least one case in which a vulnerable woman was given a termination despite not understanding what was going on. And in one clinic, obtaining consent was left to nurses and healthcare assistants, in breach of laws which state this should be done by doctors. Just last August, Marie Stopes suspended all terminations involving general anaesthetic and sedation, and all involving under 18s, after the Care Quality Commission (CQC) raised safety fears.


Italian Bill seeks to remove ‘fidelity’ from marriage contracts

Supporters of a new marriage Bill in Italy hope to see ‘fidelity’ removed as a condition of marriage contracts, arguing that faithfulness in marriage is “outdated and obsolete”. The Bill is being pushed by lobbyists who want to see marriage contracts altered in line with those of same-sex civil unions, which do not contain any reference to fidelity. Ironically, this omission caused outrage among the gay community who said the lack of a fidelity element offered their unions less than parity with heterosexual ones. The new Bill has already passed through the Senate en route to a debate in Parliament.


Very few opt out of religious classes in faith schools – studies

Only a very small minority of pupils in Catholic schools opt out of Religious Education classes, according to a submission to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) have shown on the teaching of world religions in school. As the NCCA presses on with plans to introduce its Education about Religions and Beliefs and Ethics (ERB and Ethics) class to Irish schools, the Catholic Primary Schools Managers Association (CPSMA) has submitted the findings of a study conducted among the 2,800 schools it controls to reveal that a “relatively small number” of pupils opt out of religion classes. Meanwhile, Bishop Denis Nulty of Kildare and Leighlin revealed, on foot of a study conducted in schools in his diocese that just 1.2% opt out. Bishop Nulty said: “I remain convinced that the proposed education about Religions and Beliefs and Ethics is not the approach required for those children in faith-based schools.” The CPSMA meanwhile warned that the ERB and Ethics course would undermine the characteristic spirit of schools, and cause a rise in the number of Catholic parents opting out of the new subject.


Report paints damning picture of US abortion clinics

Abortion clinics across the United States have been accused of “sacrificing” women for profit in a new report on the industry. Compiled by Americans United for Life (AUL), the study charts medical violations at clinics across 32 states to highlight “unsanitary medical conditions, unlicensed practitioners and untrained staff”. The report offers a ‘Top 10’ violations list, which includes ‘Failure to ensure a safe and sanitary environment and failure to follow infection control policies; Unlicensed/unqualified/untrained staff providing patient care, and Expired medications and medical supplies’. Unveiling the report, its author Denise Burke said: “The abortion industry willingly sacrifices women’s health and safety in their ‘back alley’ clinics, prioritising mere access to abortion over women’s health and safety. Women’s health and safety must not be held hostage by an abortion industry willing to put profit over people.”



Faith schools admission not affected by forthcoming legislation

New school admissions legislation will not affect the right of faith-based schools to prioritise children of their faith community in the event of over-enrolment. Groups including Educate Together and Atheist Ireland took their complaints about the policy to an Oireachtas education committee despite it being previously pointed out by the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association that the claim that 20pc of primary schools are oversubscribed is hugely exaggerated and the real figure stands at between 3 and 6% – based in a recent survey of diocesan education secretaries.


Italy’s abortion numbers hits historic low

Abortion figures in Italy have hit their lowest point since terminations were legalised in 1978. In a report compiled by the nation’s Ministry of Health, the number of abortions in Italy for 2015 stood at less than 90,000. This was a massive drop from the 1983 high of 234,801 terminations. A big part of the reason for the drop is the very big drop in the number of pregnancies in Italy overall. The report further pointed out that the ratio of abortions to live births was 185.1 per 1,000, a decrease of 5.7 percent from 2014, according to the report. Italy allows for abortion for any reason up to 90 days of pregnancy, later where the woman has a physical or mental risk or where the unborn baby has a deformity. The decrease in abortions has been revealed as it emerged that even more Italian doctors are citing conscience grounds for refusing terminations, with seven in 10 reportedly doing so in 2015.