Assisted Human Reproduction

‘Mother’, ‘father’ to be replaced by ‘parent 1’, ‘parent 2’

The forthcoming legislation on assisted human reproduction is set to build on the extremely radical approach to family relationships put in place by the Children and Family Relationships Act from 2015, a law that greatly demotes the importance of the biological ties between parents and children. In an article published in the current issue of the...


Proposed AHR scheme allows gamete donation from close family members

A few months ago, The Iona Institute submitted a document to the Oireachtas Committee on Health regarding the General Scheme of a Bill to regulate Artificial Human Reproduction (AHR).  It is co-written by Dr Joanna Rose, who is herself donor-conceived. Two weeks ago, The Irish Times reported our submission. The report said our submission “claims”...


Submission to Health Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction Bill

The Iona Institute made a submission to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health earlier this year concerning the General Scheme of the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill 2017. It can be found here.


Ireland’s proposed surrogacy law

David Quinn was on RTE’s ‘This Week’ on Sunday to discuss Ireland’s proposed surrogacy law. The proposed law will outlaw commercial surrogacy but permit non-commercial surrogacy for which ‘reasonable expenses’ will be paid. Irish people will still be able to avail of commercial surrogacy abroad. David argued that surrogacy in all forms commodifies children and...


Fertility clinics will be allowed to sex select ‘perfect’ embryos

By David Mullins

The movement toward the provision of genetic based ‘therapies’ with a clear eugenic intent has moved one step closer to becoming a reality in this State. As the Irish Independent reports, the proposal is being introduced under the guise of permitting the sex selection of an embryo in fertility clinics setting, prior to implantation, “where...


Irish State offers more protection to animals than to human embryos

By David Mullins   All kinds of restrictions are placed on the kinds of experiments that can be conducted on animals, but the proposed Assisted Human Reproduction Act 2017 does not do the same for human embryos. Surely this would strike any reasonable person as extremely unethical especially when the experiments kill the embryo? The...


A horrific surrogacy case our Health Minister ought to know about

By David Quinn

The most horrific surrogacy case is making its way to the US Supreme Court. It is a perfect storm of practically all of the terrible ethical violations that bedevil the practice, even when it is non-commercial. Health Minister, Simon Harris (pictured), should study the case carefully as he prepares legislation to regulate the whole area...


Contrary to Patsy McGarry, an embryo IS a human being

By David Mullins

Irish Times Religious Affairs Correspondent, Patsy McGarry, wrote an article last week urging the broadest use of the new techniques available in genome editing that aim to decrease the likelihood of children being born with serious genetic defects. The problem with this process is that it involves a form of experimentation on embryos which destroys...


Protecting the rights of donor-conceived children

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Paul Cullen recently wrote a long article for the Irish Times about the rights of children conceived artificially through the use of sperm or eggs from anonymous donors. This controversial method, called heterologous fertilisation, raises many moral and legal issues. To what extent does this practice infringe the identity rights of these ‘donor-children’? The Assisted...


European Court applies the brake to the worst kind of surrogacy

By Patrick Fitzgerald

The European Court of Human Rights has today issued a very important ruling which puts something of a brake on the worst kind of surrogacy. The case involved an Italian couple who used a surrogate mother in Russia to have a child to whom neither of them were biologically related. The Court has ruled that the...